In Case Your Confused Here Is What It Means To Sexually Harass Someone
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard a lot of news about powerful men being accused of sexual harassment. I wanted to take a look at what sexual harassment actually is, and to see if those powerful men have committed the acts they’ve been accused of; this is what I found.
We’ve heard of successful and powerful men being accused of sexual harassment. Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Bill Cosby, Matt Lauer, and most recently Governor Andrew Cuomo have all been accused of sexually harassing women. Each man suffered public humiliation, but they each suffered from different levels of punishment. Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, and Matt Lauer basically got no punishment. Bill Clinton and Donald Trump went on to become President of the United States and Matt Lauer left his prestigious job and took all of his money with him.
Only Bill Cosby spent time in jail and he was most recently released from jail due to procedural misconduct during his trial that basically denied him of his fifth amendment rights.
Today Governor Cuomo made a bombshell announcement that he will be stepping down in two weeks. He still vehemently denies the allegations but says that he cares about this state so much that he is stepping away to keep from distracting the important work of governing the state.
According to sexual harassment is, “uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature especially by a person in authority toward a subordinate (such as an employee or student).“
If we use that definition, Governor Cuomo and the other men mentioned may have made their victims feel as though they were sexually harassed, because only the victims know how they really felt about the behavior. Governor Cuomo stands firm in his belief that he may have made the women feel uncomfortable, but his intention was to never sexually harass anyone.
I don’t know what to think about the governor’s behavior, but I want to know what you think. What do you think sexual harassment is and do you think you’ve ever been a victim or a perpetrator of such a crime?