The Maskalorian Spotted in New York City Promoting Covid-19 Safety
This is the way.
Fans of Disney+'s Book of Boba Fett have been excited the past couple weeks with the return of Star Wars fan favorites such as Din Djarin and Grogu, along with a number of other awesome cameos. While the show is set to release the finale episode this Wednesday, one fan in particular is using the Star Wars platform to remind people to mask up and stay safe.
The Maskolorian
I first discovered the Maskalorian on Facebook after a friend shared a video. Shortly after that, I discovered his TikTok account. Then today, Robyn Taylor just shared a link about it to a few of us in an email. All the pieces had come together telling me I had to say something about this.
People magazine reported on filmmaker and improv performer Matt Adams aka The Maskalorian, or Masko for short. Any Star Wars fan would know that the name is a play on The Mandalorian, which is taken from the show of the same name. In the show, Pedro Pascal plays the mysterious bounty hunter Din Djarin, who is a foundling of the orthodox cult, Children of the Watch. This sect of Mandalorians believe that it is against their creed to remove their helmets and to expose their faces to others. This is fitting, as Matt Adams goes around dressed similarly to Mando, promoting that people keep their masks on to protect everyone from Covid-19. Adams dons the "beskar" helmet of Din Djarin to hand out free masks to the public. With him, he carries his own Baby Yoda named Masku.
In his most recent upload to YouTube in late January, The Maskalorian visited the streets of New York City.
Not So Long Ago in a Country Not So Far Away
The Maskalorian has been spotted all over, such as in Vienna along with going up and down the aisles of airplanes. The 43-year-old Adams came up with the idea early in the pandemic. Currently residing in his wife's home country of Austria, the former New Yorker missed interactions with people and wanted to do his part in supporting mask wearing. His wife, Simone Adams, has even gone out with him dressed as the Armorer from the show.
Adams spoke to the Washington Post, and said, "I just kind of wanted to see, I wonder if I can encourage people in a playful and humerous way." As for the voice, he said, "It's kind of like the Mandalorian with a smile under his helmet."
Then and Now
His first appearance was in Graz, Austria in September of 2020. Since then, he has started to gain a following on TikTok and YouTube. Adams is no stranger to public stunts like these. Adams used to make videos for Improv Everywhere from 2008 to 2013. Improv Everywhere is a New York City-based group that pulls off random acts of fun and mayhem.
As a huge Star Wars fan myself, I love seeing this. First off, I have a Mando Pop Figurine along with Lego Grogu and Mando figures on my desk here at work, so seeing this is awesome for that. Secondly, and most importantly, it is so inspiring to see how fictional works like Star Wars influence people to do incredible things in real life. Adams currently works on other creative projects while teaching a documentary film class online for a SUNY college, as of which one, I could not find. "It's not an easy time right now. If you can provide a break in their day, for me, it doesn't get any better than that."
Remember to stay safe, and mask up. May the mask be with you.
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