
Over 100 Million Effected by MyFitnessPal Data Breach
Over 100 Million Effected by MyFitnessPal Data Breach
Over 100 Million Effected by MyFitnessPal Data Breach
As reported by News 10 abc, Under Armour has just announced this week a data breach to 'MyFitnessPal' affecting about 150 million users.  For those who aren't familiar, MyFitnessPal is a smartphone App and website aimed at health.  From calorie-counting to exercise-tracking, MyFitnessPal is run by Under Armour, and has been written about in all sorts of health and wellness magazines...
Father Hacks Donkey Kong For is Daughter
Father Hacks Donkey Kong For is Daughter
Father Hacks Donkey Kong For is Daughter
Mike Mika thought that it was unfair that his 3 year old daughter had to use Mario when playing Donkey Kong. She couldn't understand why she couldn't use the female as the Hero. So Mike what what any father with the skills and ambition would do, Hack Donkey Kong...