From boiled carrots to treat asthma to using cocaine to treat hay fever, this list really shows what people would do to beat any kind of illness.
Source: Mental Floss
When I came down with the flu two years ago, I vowed to do everything I could to never get it again. That's when I discovered this natural remedy that a swear by.
Last month, 14-year-old John Smith was walking across frozen Lake St. Louis with some friends in Lake St. Louis, Mo., near St. Louis when he fell through the ice.
He was underwater for 15 minutes before rescuers got to him, KDSK-TV reported.
When emergency medical responders got him to St. Joseph Hospital West, the eighth-grader wasn't breathing and didn't have a pulse. His body temperature was
Earlier today, we told you about these cool stash rings that are specially designed to hide a single Viagra pill. Now we’ve got another prescription drug-themed item we think you may like even more.
Science is a remarkable thing. The technology today is able to give someone a new heart, limb, lung even a face. The latest scientific break through? A poop transplant. Taking one persons stool, and putting into someone else.
You may remember, that back in February, that a computer called Watson, and built by IBM, took on 2 Jeopardy champions and pretty much beat them in a 2 out of 3 series of matches. I even showed you how to build your own Watson Jr. Super Computers. Now, IBM has moved Watson from game shows to medicine.