
Have You Ever Tried Water Pie? An Olden Days Recipe
Have You Ever Tried Water Pie? An Olden Days Recipe
Have You Ever Tried Water Pie? An Olden Days Recipe
"Water pie is a sweet pie made with just six ingredients: water, flour, sugar, vanilla extract, butter, and a pie crust. Like other recipes that originated during the Great Depression, water pie stretches a handful of ingredients by turning them into something substantial."
The Best Chili Recipe for Football Season
The Best Chili Recipe for Football Season
The Best Chili Recipe for Football Season
Football and beer go hand in hand. Add some chili to that and you yourself one hell of a good Sunday. And it just so happens I have the best Chili recipe - and I'm a nice girl so I'm of course going to share.
White House Releases Beer Recipes – Now You Too Can Brew Beer Like Obama
White House Releases Beer Recipes – Now You Too Can Brew Beer Like Obama
White House Releases Beer Recipes – Now You Too Can Brew Beer Like Obama
Beer has been a very common beverage at the White House - there was the beer summit, and then this past week President Obama was asked on reddit what the beer recipes brewed at the White House were. He promised he'd release them and not only did they do so, there's a video to go with . Check them out after the jump. Enjoy and Cheers!
Most Searched Thanksgiving Recipes Online
Most Searched Thanksgiving Recipes Online
Most Searched Thanksgiving Recipes Online
Thanksgiving is fast approaching, and if you are cooking you either know what you are doing or are scrambling to figure things out. Lucky for us we live in an age where you can find anything online, including great recipes for all the thanksgiving fixings in the world...

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