Do you remember this song? 'The Simpsons' has always had its fair share of controversy but this one hit close to home for many in Upstate New York. 

As of 2025 'The Simpsons' has been around for close to 40 years and in that time period they've made a whole lot of predictions that have seemingly come true. One prediction that we never saw coming was a slightly offensive song about Upstate New York.

While a good portion of us were able to laugh off the song that was sung by Homer Simpson, many people felt like this was not a great representation for our area. They aren't wrong, but also, it is just a cartoon.

Throughout the song they not only poke fun at the area but also the people, claiming that we're overweight and lazy. It also made fun of the opioid problem that was, and is, still a major issue in many communities.

The episode first aired in April of 2019 and was entitled 'D'oh Canada.' It promoted many people to voice their concerns as to why they would misrepresent the are so much.

Read More: YouTuber Calls Upstate New York 'Poorest' 'Most Forgotten' Region'

The controversy of the episode is documented on the official Simpsons Wiki and it got many people involved in the mix at that time.

The musical mock salute to upstate New York drew substantial attention from the natives of that area, including a response from the New York State Republican Committee blaming the policies of Andrew Cuomo for making the region a laughingstock and a fact check from the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, which concluded most of the claims were true but that some (such as Fox News viewership and disability claims) were misleading or unprovable.

When you listen back to that song almost 6 year later there are parts of it that could be offensive to some. We have some major hometown pride all around Upstate New York. From the Capital Region through Utica and beyond.

However, it's also okay to laugh at some of the lighthearted jokes, too. The pothole problems haven't gotten any better.

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Gallery Credit: Karolyi

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