This New York State Cheesemonger Named Best In the Country!
Did you know that there are nearly 2,000 different kinds of cheese in the world? Wisconsin Cheese reports that there are nearly as many categories, such as age, texture, taste and region. You aren't expected to know things like this. These facts and more are the kinds of things that a cheese monger would know and New York State is home to the Nation's Best Cheese Monger.
What's a cheese monger? Simply put, that is a person who sells cheese and we have the best in the Nation.
Some of the best cheesemakers in the world recently gathered for the Cheesemonger Invitational in Brooklyn, NY and cheese mongers from around the United states showcased their technical skills, encyclopedic knowledge, and passionate salesmanship. Only 1 would be named Best Cheesemonger in the Country.
Congratulations to Sarah Simele of the Curd Nerd, 2800 James Street, Syracuse for being named Best Cheesemonger in the Country.
WOW WOW WOW! I’m not sure it’s even fully sunk in yet. This past weekend I competed in my first ever Cheesemonger Invitational !!! And, to my surprise (but not to my mothers), I won! - Sarah Simele
According to the Curd Nerd Facebook page, the competition was comprised of the following activities;
- Written exam on cheese
- Blind taste test of 5 cheeses
- Cutting round
- Aroma round
- Salesmanship round
- 3 “perfect” rounds (beverage, plate, bites)
The Curd Nerd in Syracuse is open Wednesday thru Saturday 10am - 6pm and Sunday 10am - 4pm. Pre-order your cheese and charcutier boards HERE.