TV Stations To Start Doing Something From Yesteryear Again
If you are old enough to remember when TV stations would sign off in the middle of the night. You may remember this fondly.
I myself am not old enough to remember anything other than horrible infomercials playing in the middle of the night. But at one time, stations just would sign off and come on back in the morning.
Well to sign off they would play the "Star Spangled Banner" and have images of old glory displayed on the television screen. I am sure you may have a memory of that. Well, some TV stations are going to begin doing this again.
According to News Channel 13, 93 TV stations all across the US will begin doing this once again. All of those stations are indeed owned by Gray Media Group. That corporation owns zero stations in the Capital Region.
Do you think it would be cool to see a local station do this again?