Utica College on Lockdown After Receiving ‘Credible Threat’
Super scary situation unfolding in Utica after a 'credible' gun threat was made at Utica College.
As if situations such as these becoming all to frequent now days wasn't bad enough this one is hitting way to close to home.
I just saw the news that Utica College is currently on lockdown after what is being called a 'credible threat' was made on campus. As I was scrolling through my Facbeook feed I saw a lot of my friends posting some scary warnings they were receiving regarding the threat one of which read:
Utica College received 2 phone calls from a party saying 'Gordon Science Building I've got guns try and stop me'
Utica College has since tweeted out several warnings,
At this point it looks like law enforcement is beginning to sweep the campus and get everyone to safety. We will do our best to keep you updated as this story develops however our friends over at WKTV are doing a stellar job keeping everyone informed of the situation.
On the upside (not that there really is an upside to a situation like this) it looks like the students and the Utica Police department were prepared for just such a situation and were running drills just a few short months ago.