Weird Foods Of Upstate New York
Maybe because I am a picky eater I don't ever try some of these foods. Some look good, Some look atrocious.
I mean in no way is it as disgusting as some delicacies in other country's but still all in all there are some insanely weird things to come out of New York as a whole that I would never even think to try.
- TURKEY JOINTS, These originated in Rome, NY and apparently are candy with a silver filling. No candy with turkey in the name will ever be consumed by me.
- GARBAGE PLATE: These I've heard of. A plate jam packed with an odd variety of food. My normal meal.
- BEEF ON WECK: Never heard of it but am not opposed. It seems very similar to a NEBA.
- TOMATO PIE: Isn't that really just red pizza? Me and Candace had this discussion a few months back.
- MICHIGAN HOT DOG: This one is odd to me because it doesn't seem like anything native to New York, a hot dog with meat sauce and onions.
- PEPPERMINT PIG: Finally a Capital Region thing. I've never had one but have many a friend who love these pink piggies.
So yes, some odd. Some sound delicious. What is the weirdest delicacy that you know of?
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