What Are You Going To Be For Halloween? (Video)
Let's start Halloween early, just like they start Christmas early, and the first step in preparation, so what are you going to be for Halloween?
I have had a history of bad Halloween costumes, it all started in the 1st grade: I wanted to be Batman, but my Mom was not going to spend too much money on a costume that I would wear once, so my Batman costume consisted of Batman pajamas, a blue mask that only covered my eyes, and bet ears made out of blue construction paper.
After that, I always tried to make my own Halloween costume, and I failed.
Eventually I gave up and just wore a Jason mask.
My senior year in High School I was George Burns, but no one noticed, they also did not notice that I was using real cigars.
After that I was Silent Bob for two years in a row, then I went to Salem, Massachusetts. I was James Dean, and no one noticed.
The next year I went back to Salem with some friends, we had a Gotham Villains theme, and I was the Joker, it was one of the greatest nights of my life.
The next year I went as the Shade, the only people who noticed were the people at the comic book stores.
Salem has really cool comic book stores.
After that, due to my wife's obsession with the TV show House, I went as House for 4 years, she was so obsessed with House she bought me a replica leather crotch rocket jacket and shocks.... what ever happened to shocks?
After her House obsession ended, I have been a Boondock Saint, because I have a Pea Coat.
This year, I think I am going to be Hank Hill.