Will Noise Complaints Shut Down this New York Concert Venue After First Summer?
Apple Valley Park is an new outdoor live music venue in Lafayette, New York which was home for artists and fans alike at several concerts through the Summer of 2021. As the the music fades on the season there is concern that there might not be a second season. Complaints from the neighbors have put the 2022 season in jeopardy.
According to Syracuse.com, there are some that live in the nearby hamlet of Cardiff that have complained to the town about noise. We all know concerts are loud and I don't live near Apple Valley but to be fair, the venue appears to be on farmland surrounded by farmland. It should also be noted that some shows started as early as 5:30p and many ended before 11p.
To give some perspective, I made the ride out to Apple Valley Park, which is just south of Syracuse, to see the Tedeschi Trucks Band in July. We arrived early and decided to look for a restaurant for a pre-show dinner. Turns out there is little to nothing for several miles around the venue. We actually drove another 20 minutes before finding a place to eat.
Who will win this tug-o-war? Residents want the peace and quiet they are used to, promoters want to continue bringing live music to the area and creating job opportunities along the way. In the middle is the town that appear to be looking for common ground. There will be a board meeting on September 14th where this dilemma will be discussed.
If you would like to see Apple Valley Park continue to be a home for live music there is something you can do. The promoters have a petition available for signatures. You can sign that HERE.
Here are some of the performers from 2021: