This encounter was equal parts hilarious, embarrassing, and super awkward.

Just a little back story for ya here, for years my friends and I have been in a competition of sorts in an effort to embarrass the living crap out of each other on our birthdays. Well, after yesterday I can attest that pay backs are indeed a b!*ch. And boy was I embarrassed and extremely uncomfortable when a person in a full on gorilla costume waddled into the Q studios to get all up in my personal space and serenade me a personalized rendition of Queen's 'Bohemian Rhapsody'.

This 'gift' was pretty hilarious, at first, but quickly became uncomfortable and awkward and seemed to go on FOREVER! So I guess you could say MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Intern Leah and the entire promo department sure had a good laugh at my expense and they captured it all on film ... for prosperity. I haven't watched the footage because I got to live that whole experience and once was enough for me but by all means revel in my humiliation.

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