Anger and Abuse, Cause Delay With Your New York Drivers License
No more instant gratification at DMV! According to NBC 13, the New York Department of Motor Vehicles is changing their policy regarding road test results when trying to obtain a drivers license. If you find yourself anticipating the pass/fail news you will have to wait to learn your fate online after hours. The change appears to have been made to protect employees from angry customers.
I literally counted down to my test day by crossing off the dates on the calendar. Then off to the DMV and passed the written test! Out to the car for the road test and passed that. You know how I knew? They told me on the spot! That is not the case in 2021 because the truth is not everyone gets a trophy and some don't take it well.
The 'Road Test' page at shows the following statement:
After the road test, the examiner will give you instructions on how to receive your test results.
Holly Tanner is the Columbia County Clerk/DMV and she shared her insight regarding the change on her Facebook page. Tanner says the DMV has suspended examiners statewide from telling customers who take the road test if they have passed or failed, because several examiners have been assaulted by people who have failed.
It has been a very long time since I took the test but I can't imagine that, if I failed, I would take it out on the examiner at DMV. I have failed at many things in my life, tried again and performed much better. Have some pride in yourself and your teenagers.