It seems everyone is playing the game Wordle. It's a simple game that has you picking a five-letter word and trying to figure out what word they are looking for in just a few guesses. A die-hard Buffalo Bills fan has created his own version of the game that only has to do with his favorite team. He calls it Hurdle and all of Bills Mafia is encouraged to play.

What is Hurdle?

Much like Wordle, you are to guess a five-letter word, in the beginning, to try to figure out the word. However, in this version, the words are only associated with the Buffalo Bills. It could be anything to do with the team. If you have a letter correct but in the wrong place, it turns red. If the letter is correct and in the right place, it turns blue. When you get the word correct, the letters all turn blue and red Zubaz stripped. You can play once a day and the game resets every night at 7. Click HERE to play.

chrissy screenshot
chrissy screenshot

Who Created Hurdle for Bills Mafia?

His name is Hans Hanson and he's a Capital Region software engineer. He actually helps manage the largest Bills Backers Bars in the area which is McGeary's Irish Pub in Albany. According to WIVB, it took him about a week to create the game. He is open to suggestions of words too. Just DM him on his Twitter account. He says he already has about 150 words ready to go.

Are There Any Words Off-limits?

Actually yes. Hans has a great sense of humor and admits that the word "BRADY" does not exist in Hurdle. Also, "RANCH" because everyone knows that the only thing that goes on chicken wings is blue cheese.

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Whether it is for St. Patrick's Day or any time of year when you want to take in the Irish Pub experience for a pint and may some corned beef or shepherd's pie, these are the 10 must-visit Irish Pubs in the Capital Region.

Top 10 Capital Region Places to Get a Fish Fry [RANKED]

If you observe Lent, here is a guide to the best fish fry in the Capital Region according to Yelp! reviews. There are some restaurants that specialize in fish fry and others that are full restaurants. There are 10 on this list but there are probably twenty more we could have listed.

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