Capital Region Service Industry Opposes Gov Cuomo’s Tip Credit Elimination
Governor Cuomo is seriously thinking about eliminating tipping in New York State and a lot of Capital Region restaurant workers are not happy about it.
A large number of service industry employees in the Capital Region and across New York State are taking action against Governor Cuomo's proposed plan to eliminate the tip credit in the state.
According to WYNT the governor says the current system isn't working out for some in the industry saying that;
The system that allows restaurants and others to pay a lower wage to those who gets tipped means unfairly low wages for some who don't get much gratuity.
So he has proposed a plan to eliminate tipping altogether and instead have employers pay higher wages to their employees.
Naturally, servers who rely on their tips to survive are not too happy about this new proposed way of life and are taking action to prevent it from coming to fruition. A number of Capital Region service industry employees showed up to the governors state-of-the-state sporting shirts that read "GOV. CUOMO DON'T TAKE OUT TIPS" and "WE EARNED THEM".
A lot of servers depend on their tips to supplement their low wages and have become accustomed to a certain way of living. Eliminating their tips and paying them only minimum wage would mean that many of them would be taking a drastic pay cut. That and the fact that the elimination wouldn't even be put up to a vote to the people and could just become law seems unfair to some in the industry.
Those in the Industry also note that the cost to pay employees more will only be passed along to the customers when prices go up. Which has proved true in some cases already with the recent increase in minimum wage. Some fear that this is the first step to eliminating servers altogether and eventually everyone will be using kiosks and apps to order their meals themselves. If you would like to show your support for the tipped workers in New York State there has been a Facebook Group created to keep everyone abreast of the situation as it develops.
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