The stories about Charlie Sheen are never-ending, especially if you follow him on Twitter. By the way, he broke the Guinness World Record for gaining 1 million followers on a Twitter in one day. He actually now has over 2 million followers.

On that note, all these followers want more from Sheen, and apparently he's having trouble keeping them amused and updated on his life (or so he thinks).  Yesterday Sheen tweeted about how he's looking to hire a Social Media Intern. The funny thing is, the internship is actually legit.

Today, I received an email from about the internship blurb on how to apply:

Yesterday, Charlie Sheen tweeted to the world that he's seeking a social media intern to help him monitor trends in the Twitterverse and manage logistics for a number of upcoming online projects this summer, with the ultimate goal of expanding his already astronomical presence on the Web. Candidates must apply at this contest link between now and Friday, March 11 at midnight, and describe in just 75 characters why they're the best candidate for the job.

The internship is paid and full-time which is a good deal, but is it worth losing your sanity?  If so, does Charlie Sheen think you're winning?

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