Find Seamus McQ’s Pot o’ Gold to Win Tickets to Four Shows
It's that time of year again. St. Patrick's Day is just a few days away and it's not going to be complete without a visit from Seamus McQ.
On Saturday, March 16, come hang out with Q103 at Spa City Tap & Barrell on Caroline St. in Saratoga Springs and play along with our scavenger hunt to find Seamus McQ's Pot o' Gold hidden in Saratoga Springs. If you find it and bring it to Seamus McQ at Spa City Tap & Barrell between 5:00 pm and 9:00 pm, you've just won yourself four pairs of tickets to local shows.
The tickets include:
- Free Beer & Hot Wings Live at Night in Troy on April 12
- Judas Priest at The Palace Theater May 18 or 19
- Heart at SPAC on July 21
- Australian Pink Floyd at SPAC on August 18
The clues are available only on the Q103 app and you can find them every hour between 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm. Use the clues to find the Pot o' Gold somewhere in Saratoga Springs and the concert tickets are yours. It's finders keepers - so be the first one to find the pot o' gold and bring it to us at Spa City Tap & Barrel to win your tickets.
Good luck!