Get a Better Look at Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker Makeup In These New Set Videos
Joaquin Phoenix’s Clown Prince of Crime is causing mayhem on the New York City subway. Finally, we know who to blame for the crappy MTA!
Todd Phillips’ new Joker movie has been filming in NYC for the past several weeks and taking over subway stations in Brooklyn and the Bronx. Thanks to a handful of leaked set photos and videos, we’ve already seen plenty of Phoenix’s Joker in the origin story of Batman’s nemesis. But the latest pair of set videos offer the best look yet at Phoenix in his clown Joker makeup and colorful suit.
This past weekend, the new Joker movie was filming another subway scene in Brooklyn. The scene isn’t too exciting, but proves Phoenix can look cool as heck smoking a cigarette, even when caked in ridiculous face makeup. Here he is walking while a group of cops run past him. The last leaked video we saw showed the Joker exiting a train while a violent riot broke out on the platform, so it looks like this moment comes next, with him smoothly escaping the crime scene. (I love the anachronistic The Good Place and First Man posters in the background, surely to be fixed in post).
And here he is being chased by two men in suits, one played by Bill Camp:
For New Yorkers who are curious (or crazy Joker fans who want to stalk the production hoping it’ll return), it looks those above scenes were shot along the F line in Kensington, Brooklyn at the Church Ave and 18th Ave stations. You’ll notice the old MTA trains have a Gotham City transit logo slapped along the side.
Surely we’ll see some more footage arrive online of Phoenix’s Arthur Flake, portrayed as a failed stand-up comedian before he turns into the Dark Knight villain. Joker opens in theaters on October 4, 2019.
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