Guess Who’s Messing with Q103’s Candace to WIN Metallica Tickets
Metallica's' Lars Ulrich' called in to talk to chat with Q103's Candace about their upcoming show at the Times Union Center ... or did he?
Now I know you are just as excited as I am that Metallica is making their way to the Capital Region in the fall. After almost a decade since they have been to the area Metallica returns to Albany to play the Times Union Center on October 29th.
So think about that excitement you feel just knowing in a few months Metallica will be coming to play for us. Now imagine how excited you would be if you found out that Metallica's Lars Ulrich was gonna give you a call to talk about that show. That's that cloud I was flying on all week.
With all that adrenaline pumping through me you would think that I would have realized that something was a little off with 'Lars' when he called in, especially when things got real weird real quick. Oh no, not me though. It took me a hot minute to figure out what was going on and I think even after I knew that someone was pulling my leg it still took sometime to process what had just happened or was still happening.
Needless to say that 'Lars' wasn't Lars at all. See if you can pick up on it a little faster than I did. Take a listen to a clip from our conversation and then guess below who you think is pulling a fast one on me and I'll put you in the running to WIN a pair of tickets to see METALLICA when they come to play the TU Center in October.
You only have until Sunday at midnight to get your guess is in so don't forget to fill out your info. On Monday I'll randomly select one entry to score a pair of tickets to the show. Also, I'll release the rest of the conversation so you can laugh at my disappointment and subsequent embarrassment.
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