It’s Not a Mandate
It has been well publicized that, even during a pandemic, there are anti-maskers but are there really anti-belters in 2020?
This year marks the 21st annual "Buckle Up New York" campaign for highway safety. Over 2 decades of reminding you that wearing your seatbelt could save your life. This isn't a mandate, this is a law, so "Click It or Ticket"! We want you around to be here for the return of concerts, weddings, graduations and all that life has to offer you and your family.
Speaking of your family the New York seatbelt law has expanded to backseat passengers as well. Put it this way, every adult (16 or older) riding in your vehicle needs to be wearing a seatbelt. All passengers under 16 years of age needs either a seatbelt, booster seat or child safety seat.
Considering that New York is a Primary Offense State an officer may pull you over if that officer sees anyone in the vehicle riding without a belt. This includes out of state travelers.
So what happens should you get pulled over for no seatbelt? There could be a fine up to $50 for each individual 16 and older, an insurance rate increase of up to 3% and you could get 3 points against your drivers license. You should also know that, as the driver, you are responsible for each passenger under the age of 16. Those violations range from $25 to $100 each in fines.
With the holidays upon us you or your family may be traveling so this is a good time to remind you to buckle up.
Additionally, the CDC recommends the following steps to keep you safe this Thanksgiving. Stay home, celebrate Thanksgiving with the people of your household or do a virtual holiday. If you are traveling or having guests, check travel restrictions. Get a flu shot! Bring you own food, drinks and dinnerware. Use single-serve options such as disposable forks, Have one person serve all of the food. Open windows and guests should avoid the kitchen.
Of course stay 6 feet apart, wash hands and wear a mask. Happy Thanksgiving.
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