New York State Department Of Environmental Conservation Wants Your Pumpkin
It may be a bit early to be thinking about your Halloween Jack O' Lantern much less what you might do with it after Halloween. But if you want to be part of a new trend you might need to start thinking about it soon.
Halloween is less than 80 days away which means time is running out to plan what is fast becoming a popular way to get rid of your pumpkin once the candy is gone and you have turned the porch light out.
How to Plan a Halloween Pumpkin Smash in Your Town New York
Many communities and farms have started a new tradition where you can come toss your pumpkin for fun. This type of event is usually organized in a public place where everyone can stop by and smash their used Halloween pumpkins. You may be wondering why would people want to smash their old pumpkins.
Turn out it is really fun to watch it land and break into bits. It can also be exciting if you plan a cool place to drop the pumpkins from or an entertaining original way to smash the pumpkins that people would enjoy.
Why People Smash Halloween Pumpkins
Well, there is always the neighborhood bully who is just out for mischief. Other people enjoy doing it before the pumpkin turns into a rotten mess. It is a fun release right before you throw it away.
The reason I toss pumpkins and smash them is so I can leave them out for the wildlife to eat. If you are going to do that make sure the pumpkin doesn't contain anything toxic such as paint.
No matter what you come up with you are going to need a plan. And you are going to need it soon. That is why on August 14th the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is hosting a webinar on How to Plan a Pumpkin Smash Event for Youth Community.
Sign Up For Pumpkin Smashing Webinar Given by the NYS DEC
This virtual event will be held on August 14th from 10 AM to 11:30 AM. Tom Twente from Grow Amsterdam, New York, and Dan Likas-Rain from the Town of Bethlehem are very experienced in organizing Pumpkin Smashes and are ready to share what they know with other communities.
You will need to register for the webinar which you can do by clicking on this link.

How to Make a Pumpkin Bird Feeder
Gallery Credit: Paty Quyn