It's cute to see all of the back-to-school pictures this week of your kids. However, here is some important information you should know before you put all of their "facts" on those back-to-school boards.


WARNING! Watch What You Post in Your Kids' Back-to-School Pics

The Upstate New York Better Business Bureau is reminding parents to be smart when they make back-to-school boards with their child's information. The boards usually list the child's name, grade, teacher, and school they are attending. This is valuable information for scammers to gain access to your child and personal information according to the Finger Lakes Times.

Back to school written blackboard green board
Credit: LUNAMARINA Source: ThinkStock

Here Are Some Important Back-to-School Photo Tips

-Don't share personal details about your kid in the photo. Details like their full name, age, height, and other personal info.

-Don't share your kids' school information like grades and name of teacher and school. These details may be used as security questions for banking and credit card accounts.

-Make sure you double-check your privacy settings on your social media account. You should know who is able to view your posts. This way strangers can't see personal information like a phone number or address.


-Be alert for fake friend requests. Sometimes you will get a second request from someone who is already your friend. This could be a fake account to try and access your information and friends list.

There are more tips for staying safe online and cyber secure. Just visit the Better Business Bureau's page that is dedicated to social media scams by clicking HERE.

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Gallery Credit: Brian Cody TSM Albany

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