Local High School Goes All Remote After COVID Outbreak
I had a feeling this was coming and quite frankly I'm surprised it has taken this long. I credit the Averill Park School District for doing such a great job with their safety guidelines, school cleanings, social distancing, and mask-wearing. All of these things kept the schools open for in-person learning way longer than I expected.
Averill Park High School, where my daughter is a senior, had two main options for learning this year. Students could do a hybrid of in-class and remote learning or all remote learning option. There were a few variations of these, but these were the options for most students.
During the first part of the school year, we did have one or two isolated cases of the coronavirus pop up in the school. However, after two students and at least one teacher tested positive for the coronavirus Averill Park High School went to all remote learning for this past week. Yesterday, Thursday, November 12th, Superintendent Dr. Franchini announced that Averill Park High School would go to all remote learning until after Thanksgiving break after nine total students and teachers tested positive. In an effort to try and stop the spread the Superintendent decided it would be best to close the high school for additional cleaning and to allow contact tracing. This only affects high school and not grades K-8.
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