Log Bay Day is No More Following Guilty Verdict in Fatal Lake George Boat Crash
If you were planning on attending Log Bay Day on Lake George this year think again...
Today a jury, in the highly publicized trial of Alex West who crashed into another boat on Lake George last year following the Log Bay Day celebrations and fatally injured a 8 year old girl, came back with a guilty verdict for 8 of the 12 counts against him.
If you have been following this story, like pretty much everyone in the Capital Region and even out on the west coast has, then you know that there were a lot of extenuating circumstances surrounding this whole trial. I'll let you have your own opinion on the situation but according to News10 almost immediately following the guilty verdict the Warren County District Attorney announced during a press conference that Log Bay Day was over.
Which is something authorities had been looking to put a stop to for the last couple of years. Now obviously they can't keep you from going out on the lake and having a good time if you are obeying all the laws but they certainly can put a damper on things. I'm still fairly new to the area and have yet to experience Log Bay Day myself (and I guess I won't ever now) but I'd be lying of I said I wasn't interested in finding a friend with a boat to see what all the fuss was about.
What do you think? Is it time to put an end to Log Bay Day or do you think that they are punishing everyone for one terrible and tragic incident?