Still Need a Gift For Mom This Sunday? Here’s a Terrible Idea
Not sure what to get mom this Sunday? Q103's Dalton Castle is here to help.
Though his method may be disturbing, and we think you can probably skip it (sneaking a picture of mom coming out of the shower sounds like the worst thing we can imagine), Dalton's sentiment is dead-on: People like having sex, and moms are people too. Keep reading when the gag reflex has quieted.
Actually, you know what? We don't even really want to talk about our mom's "sausage envelope," as Dalton calls it; just forget we said anything and watch the video. Take his advice, maybe? After all, as Dalton so artfully put it, her "tattered, stretched out military parachute" is your fault, so you kind of owe it to her.
If you need us, we'll be vomiting quietly in our room.