New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) are reporting a rescue mission of an ice climber in the Hudson Valley. Due to the remote terrain, this mission required the assistance of New York State Police helicopter for a hoist rescue.

Thanks to a separate group of ice climbers the injured subject was able to be rescued. Watch the video below to witness the heroic efforts of DEC officials and New York State Troopers.

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Just before 12 Noon on Friday January 24th, according to a press release, Forest Rangers were called to Buttermilk Falls in the Greene County town of Hunter, NY. The initial report indicated an injured ice climber.

The 35-year-old ice climber from New Platz, NY was alone with no ropes and no cell phone at the time he became injured. After the initial fall the ice climber lowered himself down 4 more pitches where he encountered another group of climbers.

518 News, Buttermilk Falls, Greene County New York, Hunter New York, NYSDEC rescue mission, NYSP Helicopter rescue

The group was able to temporarily care for the victims injured ankle and wrist until help arrived. The terrain was such that helicopter support was called in. Watch this rescue video HERE.

At approximately 4:30pm the New York State Police helicopter safely touched down at their designated landing zone. The injured party was transferred to Hunter Ambulance for further evaluation and care.

518 News, Buttermilk Falls, Greene County New York, Hunter New York, NYSDEC rescue mission, NYSP Helicopter rescue

If a person needs a Forest Ranger, whether it's for a search and rescue, to report a wildfire, or to report illegal activity on state lands, they should call 833-NYS-RANGERS. If a person needs urgent assistance, they can call 911.

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