Priest Geeks Out For The New Star Wars Trailer (Video)
On The Free Beer & Hot Wings Morning Show they played a clip of a Priest who recorded himself watching the teaser trailer for the new Star Wars movie, hie reaction actually makes me more excited for the movie.
Seeing an adult get that excited about Star Wars is inspiring, it really allows you to witness one's inner child shining through.
Then there are the weird ones.
I am not talking about the ones that show up to Star Wars Celebrations all decked out in their Cosplay gear.
I am not talking about the ones who's religion is Jedi.
I am talking about the "Star Wars Purists" who apparently only acknowledge episodes 4 and 5, and then rewrite the story and post it on Fan-Fiction sites. Because they would know better how the story should go, rather then the person who wrote it.
These are the Star Wars fans who will actually judge you if they even think that you enjoyed the prequels.
If you disagree with them, they will ridicule you and ban you from their Fan Forum, so that you won't be able to read how their superior perception of how Star Wars should be.
What makes a "Star Wars Purist" so weird?
This is a group of people that have established a self-isolated community, based off of what they choose to accept from a fictional story, and believe that they posses a superior state of being because their perception of that fictional story differs from the rest of the world.
In other words a "Star Wars Purist" belongs to a cult.
They don't dress up and they don't get excited, they look like normal people, but if you express any type of interest in a Star Wars movie, other then episodes 4 and 5, they will judge you, because of their beliefs regarding a fictional story.
They eat their own boogers to.
Then again, all hardcore Star Wars fans are kind of weird, so now here is Triumph The Insult Comic Dog making fun of them for it.
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