Was there a point in time in the Capital Region when bowling was the big activity for everyone to do? Some nostalgic folks on Reddit think so.

Blink and you could miss it. Or at least that's how some people view moments in time that you can't get back. Sometimes things are happening so fast around you that you don't realize that it might not be this way forever.

Apparently that's how many in the Capital Region feel about bowling, or at least on one popular Reddit thread I was reading through. The whole thing started out by talking about the time that professional bowling came through the Capital Region in 2002. It took place in Latham and others pointed out that the PBA had also come to Clifton Park at one time, too.

It got people talking about how at one point in time bowling was all the rage. I do remember going with my friends to dollar bowling night at Del Lanes in the early 2000s, but I don't really remember there being some huge bowling trend.

I do think that bowling was a very fun activity for a bunch of late teens and early 20 somethings to do before we could head to a local bar, but over on Reddit people are claiming that there was a point in time when you couldn't even find an open lane in the area.

Bowling used to be HUGE in this area. You couldn't get open bowling anywhere because the lanes were all claimed by different sponsored leagues. And this was back in the day when the balls weren't engineered with reactive urethane and the lanes weren't oiled with specific "bowler-friendly" patterns.


Some people even complained on the thread that many places had closed and that has made bowling harder to do. I would have to disagree. A very quick Google search showed me that there are over a dozen bowling alleys around the Capital Region for people to go to.

From Albany to Saratoga we don't seem to have a shortage when it comes to bowling.

Google Maps
Google Maps

Maybe I missed it, or maybe I was living in that moment and just didn't realize it, but was bowling the big thing here? Is bowling still a big thing here?

For Sale - New York Mansion With Bowling Alley and Basketball Court

This home located at 70 Cobb Lane in Water Mill, New York is currently listed for sale by Hedgerow Exclusive Properties for just under $55 million. Enjoy more than 12 acres and 28,000 square feet of living space on Mecox Bay. If you are a Brooklyn Nets fans you already have a custom made basketball court. It's a slam dunk!

Gallery Credit: Karolyi

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