You win this round Russia...

There are only two kinds of people in this world: current Star Wars fans, and future Star Wars fans.

If your spare time is spent fencing, you probably own a lightsaber. Better yet, you have an actual working knowledge of how to wield it. I'm pretty sure this is a 'routine' and not just spur of the moment fighting, but it could be that the force is just that strong with these two.

The battle is fierce as the opponents even switch weapons mid battle. What makes it even more impressive is the amount of concentration they display while a Maroon 5 song is played in the background (I had to read the comments to pick up on what the song was.

Can anyone edit this video to have a more fitting soundtrack? Sound aside, these dudes are bad ass and I am considering becoming their padawan. Yes both, I feel like grey force user suits me.

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