It appears that due to theft of these items they've now been locked behind glass to prevent any more stealing. 

Over the weekend like many of you I was doing my usual errands. That would include certain odds and ends that I need to get at places like either Walmart or Target. This weekend I chose Walmart and I think I might be close to not choosing them again.

I wanted to get some new socks for both myself and my son. However that task was not easily done as I found that most of the men's sock, underwear, and undershirts are now all totally locked up behind glass at the Washington Ave Extension location in Albany.

What is going on?


Obviously this must be a theft issue. I really can't see why else they would need to put these items behind glass.

In the past it's always been things in the electronics section or even some pharmacy items that were locked up, but never clothing items. The things that keep getting either stolen or locked away appear to be those every day essentials.

Read More: No Soap! What's Happening in Capital Region Supermarkets? 


Times are tough and we are all struggling, but I think we need to consider asking for help rather than stealing.

When I see items locked behind glass I am immediately not going to buy them. It is such a pain to have to track down an employee and have them find someone with a  key who will then stand there and monitor you while you shop like some kind of chaperone. I would rather buy these items online now.


I think we need to evaluate many things in the country, and maybe the wages people are being paid needs to be a starting point. If we're stealing essentials, clearly people need some kind of help.

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