Spirit Halloween Opening Soon in Former Christmas Tree Shops at Colonie Center Mall
It's never too early to start getting ready for Halloween, and it looks like Spirit Halloween is taking over one familiar Capital Region spot.
Are you one of those folks who starts the Halloween countdown right after the Fourth of July? If so, things are getting ever so much closer to that spooky time of year that you're looking forward to. A sure sign of that is when you start to see the signs for Spirit Halloween start to pop up.
For the longest time the former Barnes & Noble location on Wolf Road was the big Spirit Halloween location. However it appears that space is no longer available for the Halloween staple as it will be the new home of the Capital Buffet.
It's sad to say, but it's not hard to find a vacant store here in the Capital Region for Spirit to open up in. Last summer we said goodbye to Christmas Tree Shops in Colonie Center and it appears Spirit Halloween is moving into that location for the 2024 Halloween season.
Honestly, the outside of Christmas Tree Shops is a perfect set up for a Halloween store. With a little paint and imagination you could get that looking like a haunted house in no time at all.
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While I tried to find an exact date, all I could find was that it would be opening soon. If I remember last year Spirit Halloween locations began to open up around late August here in Upstate New York, though they do begin opening around August 1st around other parts of the country.
The coolest part about this Spirit Halloween location? The view you have of it from the nearby cemetery off of Central Ave.
This is sure to set the spooky mood for sure. As I was once told at a very real haunted house...."beware of hitchhiking ghosts."
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