If you've ever been to the Panera Bread on Maxwell Drive in Clifton Park, you know it is always busy. Finally, they are doing something about it. They are building a new Panera Bread to accommodate the larger crowds by building a smaller location.
In the times that we live in with social distancing because of the coronavirus outbreak, Taco-Bell is going to be changing. They have decided to go drive-thru only if necessary.
Imagine it's late, you're working the drive-thru at a local fast food place, handing a customer their order when you magically hear your name yelled out.
Would you look around to see who it was? Would you ask the customer in their car if they heard it? Would you pass it off?
The Magic of Rahat Youtube channel run by a guy named Rahat, has been round for a while. His more popular stunts involves him dressing up like a car seat so that it looks like no one is driving the car. This time he add a skeleton in to the mix.
In today’s instant society and culture, drive-thrus are a godsend. You can get your coffee, your donuts, your money and your prescription pills via drive-thru.
But not everyone loves them.