The Millennial Phenomenom of ‘Adulting’
I see it everywhere. You’ve probably seen it. Or heard it. The word ‘adulting.’ On social media, it’s seen as a ‘hashtag’ as #adulting after a phrase or photograph. What is this phenomenon! The Times Union even recently wrote about the phenomenon, and specifically about millennials tweeting basic accomplishments with #adulting after it. But since when is just pumping gas or managing to make your bed ‘adulting.’ These are basic tasks of every day life! I’m not knocking the Millennial Generation, but I am knocking celebrating basic accomplishments as ‘adulting.’ How about doing something without posting or hash tagging it. Things like:
Making coffee, cooking breakfast, pumping gas, doing laundry, making your bed, grocery shopping, vacuuming, paying bills....
I started a podcast with Q103’s Dan America all about the Millennial generation, compared to it’s predecessor Generation X. Our podcast is so aptly titled “The Generation X Files” and covers topics from the toys of Generation X and today to music videos, movies, and more. If you’re sick of ‘adulting’ or even just have an opinion, take a listen!