Learn the history of the Cap City while riding in a vessel that moves on both land and water!

Queen Elizabeth II Accompanied By The Duke Of Edinburgh Visits The North West - Day Two
Jeff J Mitchell /Getty Images

I know it seems a bit touristy but come on! How cool would it be to ride around Albany on a huge boat like vehicle that then turns into a boat and takes you on a cruise on the Hudson River while dropping some knowledge about our great city?!?!

As someone who fells like everyday I'm learning something new about the Capital Region I'm all about taking a ride on one of these bad boys. To be honest I'll take up every opportunity I can to get out on a body of water!

aqua ducks

Apparently Amphibious tours of Albany used to be a thing a few years back but they stopped sometime in 2012. According to the TU a new company called Albany Super Ducks has stepped in are bringing the tours back to the city!

Tours will be available again this summer beginning with an introductory event at Albany's Tricentennial Park on June 24th. While tickets don't seem to be available as of yet the  Albany Super Ducks website says that tours will:

Depart daily from 679 Broadway right in front of the Albany Heritage Area Visitor Center and by our information kiosk.  At our kiosk, you can purchase tickets, make reservations, get a tour map and much more.

What do you think? Will you be testing out the new Albany Super Ducks service?

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