No you are not dreaming, this flavor is very real and very spicy.

We live in an extraordinary time. With technology anything is possible, and that includes some very interesting food combinations. The question you always have to ask yourself is, do I really want to try it?

You only live once and everything is worth at least a try. That's the case when it comes to the new flavor that King Brothers Dairy shared over the weekend. The Schuylerville dairy has been serving up their delicious dairy products to the Capital Region since 2010, even offering home delivery service. You can literally have your own milk man.

At their farm store, though, that's where you can get a taste of their homemade ice cream which now includes a flavor that mixes the cool refreshment of ice cream with the spicy sensation of Frank's Red Hot.

At first glance I thought they may be pranking us with this one so it prompted me to ask them outright whether or not this was real or not. They assured me that the hot sauce ice cream is in fact real.

I like ice cream, and I also love hot sauce. I put some kind of hot sauce on pretty much everything. I have never thought to combine it with ice cream, however. Perhaps this is a flavor combination that is untapped.

If the world can have ketchup flavored potato chips and pickle flavored sunflower seeds, why not Frank's and ice cream?

While I haven't had the chance to taste this yet, I am looking forward to trying it out.  I imagine it is a sweet and salty thing mixed with a dash of spice.

See the Capital Region's 5 Biggest Ice Cream Cones [RANKED]

It is pretty much a fact that every stand has GREAT ice cream. But which stands serve up the biggest cones? Ya know, the ones where it is a race to eat 'em before they melt on a hot summer day? We asked our listeners who serves up the biggest scoops and soft serve - and there are the homes of the 5 biggest Captial Region Ice Cream cones!

Gallery Credit: Matty Jeff

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