You Don’t Even Have to Leave Your Car at the Glenmont Walmart
A new service at the Glenmont Walmart lets you get your goods without even leaving the car.
According to the Times Union, the Glenmont Walmart store [located at 311 Route 9W] now has a 'Pickup Tower.' What is a 'Pickup Tower'? I thought the same thing. Well, according to the Times Union, it's basically a vending-machine type thing that delivers online orders to customers. Seriously. You can order things like groceries online from the Glenmont Walmart, and then drive to the 'Pickup Tower' to get your goods! You never even have to leave your car! Talk about service making things easy. I mean, I don't think there's anything wrong with walking around a store to shop- if anything it's a little extra exercise that I maybe wouldn't get if I was at work all day. But hey, to each their own! What are your thoughts?