This weekend we're playing double shots of Peter Frampton and Led Zeppelin on Q103 to celebrate the recently-announced SPAC tour date.

Of course, because this is the Q, we have tickets up for grabs this weekend for you. When you listen to Q103 this weekend, keep an ear out for our double shots - Peter Frampton and Led Zeppelin songs back to back - and the keyword that goes with them. You have five chances to win on Saturday and Sunday, so listen in and get out your app.

Listen Saturday at 11:00 am, 2:00 pm, 5:00 pm and Sunday at 10:00 am and 3:00 pm for the keyword.

When you hear it, just open up the Q103 app and message us with the keyword and you're entered to win a pair of tickets to the show when they come to Saratoga.



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