3 of the Safest Towns in New York are Right Around the Capital Region
The Capital Region- well some of it at least- might be safer than you thought.
According to a report by News 10 abc, three of the safest towns in New York are right in and around the Capital Region. There are, according to statistics and News 10 abc, 50 towns in New York that have a crime rate 94% lower than the national average. Two of the three were smaller towns- Stillwater and Cairo. However, Guilderland also was one of the three in our area that made the list of 50. Like News 10 abc reports, with a population of over 30,000 in Guilderland, the town has a violent crime rate of less than three percent. Pretty cool to see some positive news about New York, compared to the nation! Especially since it seems like there’s always crime and negativity in the news. And I will admit, I certainly feel safe in a lot of the Capital Region, not just Guilderland.