$50,000 Custom Guitar Stolen From Local Business
Uggghhh, why do people do this? It's not like they can really do anything with it.
Some upsetting news today coming out of Manchester VT, some genius thought that it would be beneficial to them to steal a $50,000 custom guitar from Arts Licensing International on Main Street sometime between 12:30pm and 1pm on Monday.
I have a real hard time understanding how someone could think that taking this very expensive awesome guitar could benefit them in anyway. They obviously can't sell it anywhere because people are looking for it and even if they just wanted it for their own home decor it's not like they could have anyone over to see or hear it because somebody's bound to recognize it. And really doesn't that defeat the purpose of art and music?
Anyway I'm sure there is one thing this thieve didn't count on and that is the power of the music and art communities. So let's do the owner of this awesome guitar a solid and keep an eye out for it as well as the suspect they saw leaving with it. According to NEWS10 the dude who snaked the guitar was wearing a straw hat and a pink shirt and got into a green Chevy or Dodge truck with a cap on the back and drove away north on West Road towards Dorset.
If you have any info on the guitar or suspects whereabouts you can contact the Manchester Police Department at (802) 362-2121.