Cohoes Boulevard Construction Finally To Start Next Week
Drive through Cohoes often? Annoyed about the speed limit at the end of 787? Well, finally it seems road work will begin.
It seems like Cohoes does things like this a lot. This is a prime example of how strict they are to their laws though. Cohoes police have been out in full force since the dropped speed limit signs have been posted. These signs have only been out due to road construction. Road construction that has yet to begin.
The hard part is that Cohoes Boulevard is a 40 mph zone regardless of construction and the rest of 787, up until the end, is 55. It feels unnatural to go 40, but to go 30 or 35 as posted now is hell.
Well, at least now the construction will begin. You will see numerous things change to it. Shorter crosswalks, raised walkways for pedestrians and some landscaping.
Oh yeah, you know that venting I did above about the speed limit. It's permanent! The plan is to keep the lowered speed limit once the work is complete. This according to News 10