Concert Resolutions to Strive for in 2019
Here's a few resolutions to implement in 2019...
2018 was a pretty awesome year for live music in the Capital Region and they way things are going 2019 is already shaping up to top last year! With so many great shows on the horizon we've come up with a list of New Year Resolutions to implement in 2019 so that you you and everyone else around you can have the best concert going experiences ever!
First a couple of resolutions to make the experience better for everyone:
Let's start with those phones...
When you are at a show I completely get wanting to bust out your phone and snap a couple of pix or shoot a quick video to document your amazing time and make your friends jealous on social media. But try to keep it at that. A couple of pix and maybe a short video or two. There is no need to attempt to film the whole show while everyone else behind you has to watch it on your tiny screen especially, since the real deal is right there in front you. Let's be honest here, are you really going through and watching those shaky videos after the show?
While we are talking about phones and photos can we all resolve to turn of the flash when doing so? Not only does it ruin your pictures with all that stage lighting but it is blinding for the people in front of you and the band.
Stay on top of your Personal Hygiene (i.e. apply an antiperspirant or deodorant).
Getting to the show to see your favorite band live doesn't necessarily mean that you can take the whole day off for the show. However, you know that you will more than likely be crammed into a tight space with hundreds of other people so a shower on show day and the use of deodorant is a must. You don't want to be getting down in the pit and become known as the source of the B.O.
Keep the chatter to a minimum.
Seriously this has probably been the most annoying trend that keeps occurring at show after show. Will you kindly SHUT YOUR MOUTH while the band is playing. I can't for the life of me figure out why people would pay to go to a show and then spend the whole set trying to scream over the band that is there to put on a show for you just to talk to your buddy about something completely trivial. I get you may be at a show with a friend you haven't seen in awhile or that maybe one of the openers aren't who you came to see. If that is the case please, please, PLEASE take the conversation to the back of the venue or save it for intermission. That set my be the person next to yous only chance to see their favorite band.
The occasional "Whooooo Hooooo!" This is Awesome" or "Did you see that?!" totally acceptable but anything more lets leave it at the door.
Now for a few resolutions to shoot for to make 2019 your best year of live music ever!
- Go to more shows than you went to in 2018.
- Save up and spring for those front row or VIP tickets (a word of warning, it may be hard to go back to gen pop after living that VIP life).
- Go to a show solo and just live in the music.
- Make a new friend at a show. You already share a love of good music you could end up with more in common than you anticipated.
- Do all 3 Days of Music festival (camp out if your up for the challenge)
- Travel to see that band you are drying to see that for some reason just seems to keep skipping your town.
If you think of any that need to be added to the list let us know about them in the comments! Now throw up those horns \m/ get to a show and make this the best year of live music ever!