Could April the Giraffe Finally be Ready to Bring Her Calf Into the World?
After another birth predication timeline from Upstate New York's Animal Adventure Park has come and gone there seems to be signs that it might actually happen soon.
So if you are like us and have been watching April the Giraffe's live stream for over a month now and are questioning whether or not they are pulling a fast one on us or not, there seems to be a new update on her progress.
After predicting that the calf would be born at some point over the weekend here we are on a Monday afternoon and April is still pacing in her stall and still pregnant. So I decided to hit up the Animal Adventure Parks Facebook page and see if the had any updates for us and sure enough they did! Apparently April is content taking her sweet time bringing her little one into the world and everyone needs to be okay with that! Ha, my favorite part of their update is when the zookeepers said "Yes, she will have this calf when she is good and ready. No, public outcry won’t change that." and so we continue to wait. Until then you can read the rest of the zookeepers update below and keep refreshing your feed in hopes of catching the birth live ... when she's ready.