Dunkin Drive-Thru Wedding Couple On Free Beer & Hot Wings This Morning
Last week I wrote about some fun Valentine's Day giveaways that couples could win, including one from Dunkin' that was a wedding at a Dunkin' drive-thru.
Well, a couple from the Capital Region won the grand prize and did indeed get married at the Dunkin' drive-thru. Selena Stallmer and Brian Dinsmore, from Niskayuna, won the big wedding and were married on Friday, February 12th.
This morning on Free Beer & Hot Wings they started talking about the happy couple and their Dunkin' nuptials in the 6 am hour. They were making fun of the couple...in a good-natured way and talked about how it wasn't Kelly's dream to get married at the drive-through
. If you missed it, here's the clip.
Later, during the Free Beer & Hot Wings show Selena (The Dunkin' Bride) called into the show in the 9 am hour after her husband, Brian called and told her that Free Beer & Hot Wings had been talking about them.
Selena talked about the wedding, all the free coffee they got as well as the entire wedding package. She also said that her husband listens to Q1057 and the Free Beer & Hot Wings show every day. Here's Selena's call to the show.
By the end of the call, you can almost tell that Free Beer & Hot Wings are pretty excited for Selena and Brian. Especially, when they found out that they are having a "real" wedding in St Lucia next year. Oh, and they also said they expected an invitation.
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