Look I know we are hunkering down for another big snow storm but there are signs all around us that there is light at the end of the tunnel and spring is coming to the Capital Region!

We are just two weeks out from the first official day of spring and even though this winter has been pretty bipolar and we are in the process of getting a heaping dose of snow it may not feel like spring will ever come but over the last couple of weeks there have been quite a few signs that spring is on it's way to the Capital Region.

1.) Despite the current winter storm predicament we are in currently there have been more than few very nice days recently. Specifically ones with sunshine that didn't require a snow boots and a winter coat.

2.) Those subtle changes in the weather have started awakening those oh so fun seasonal allergies. It took me a hot minute to figure out why I was all stuffy and sneezy but didn't feel ill.

3.) At this point it is impossible not to take notice to the insane amount of show announcements that have been made recently. *ahem* Metallica, Evanescence, Slayer, Little Steven, Primus ... I could keep going but you get the picture. These announcements start pouring in about the same time every year and are a sure sign that spring is just around the corner. If you want to see the full extent of the announcements thus far you can find them all here.

4.) Free Beer and Hot Wings are coming back to town. Because travel in winter is always a bit dicey but as soon as the snow begins to get all melty you know the guys are ready to rage. As a bonus this time around they are throwing down with Free Beer and Hot Wings 'Live at Night' a full uncensored stage show at the Troy Savings Bank Music Hall.

5.) and ... Jumpin' Jacks's Drive In in Scotia has announced it's opening day and it is just a few short weeks of way!

Jumpin' Jack's Drive-In, Inc. Facebook
Jumpin' Jack's Drive-In, Inc. Facebook

You see, spring will be here before you know it. Well, at least that's what I keep telling myself.

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