Hometown Hero Banners Intentionally Vandalized in Cairo
It's dumb senseless acts like this that really boggle the mind. I mean why? What do you get out of disrespecting a memorial of someone who may have gave the ultimate sacrifice for your freedoms?
I wish I could say I'm shocked by this out right display of disrespect but the more things like this continue the more numb I get and it begins to become just another part of the day to day.
According to News10 the Cairo Police Department have been alerted to a couple of damaged Home Town Hero banners. The banners display the faces of Veterans in the community who are or who have served our county, some of which gave the ultimate sacrifice.
While the officers were checking out the situation they discovered several other banners were damaged as well and have determined that they were intentionally cut by vandals. You know I just don't understand why this would be a thing someone would do? It's not like it really benefits you in anyway. People have paid to show just a little bit of the respect that they have for their friends and loved ones.The whole situation is so dumb, disrespectful and completely unnecessary.
Cairo PD are currently looking for any info from anyone in the community that may have seen anything or have have any useful information on finding the vandals.