How to Stop Political Posts on Your Feed: Free Advice Friday
Tired of all the crazy political posts on your news feed? We have a solution on this weeks Free Advice Friday...
As if the political posts weren't crazy enough leading up to the election it really seems to be getting out of hand now that President Trump has taken office. It is literally getting to the point that I am having trouble deciphering the real news from the fake news without having to do some extensive research. I think that it partially because a lot of the real news recently sounds a lot like it should be fake news.
Either way it's getting to the point where I'm sick of seeing it. Especially when you see your friends and family just going at it online because they are on one side or another of an issue. So on this weeks Free Advice Friday Vinnie and I decided we'd throw out some advice on how to stop seeing these posts. Filming this weeks video was actually extremely therapeutic for both of us and our camera man. I highly recommend it.