Mandatory Replacement of License Plates Dropped
Even more changes are happening to Governor Cuomo's proposal for the mandatory replacement of license plates.
It's been all over media recently that Governor Cuomo proposed the mandatory replacement of license plates that are over ten years old. New plates for New York have been designed (also all over the news), and the mandatory replacement of older plates was said to be taking effect next Spring when these new plates roll out. However, according to the Times Union, Cuomo is dropping the plan to force replacements.
There's been a ton of push back from both political parties about this according to the Times Union, and I don't disagree. The plan was going to have New Yorkers paying up to an extra $45 ($25 for the mandatory new plate, and an EXTRA $20 to keep your plate number). I'm sorry but $45 is a lot of money.
The statement about the change-of-plan was made by the Governor's spokesman Richard Azzopardi (read it here), and future-work with the DMV and government was mentioned as the state still plans to go ahead with cashless tolling and try to ensure readable plates.
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