New York is Number One for Population Loss in the Country
Looks like people are leaving New York... more than any other state nationally, to be accurate.
Apparently, New York tops the states for population loss, with the highest rate nationally. According to cbs 6 Albany, 48,510 people left New York from July, 2017 to July, 2018. That number comes from the U.S. Census. Now, while people might be leaving the state, population loss also factors in other things. According to the U.S. Census, it could also mean things more deaths than births (which is kind of morbid to think about).
I personally love living in New York, I moved back here to where I grew up, after living in a few other states. Sure the taxes are high, but there's so much I love about it here. So you won't see me on the list of those leaving anytime soon. From live music to minor league sports to the outdoors, I'm a fan. What do you think about New York's population loss?