Governor Andrew Cuomo has initially said he would fight the alleged charges of sexual harassment and he wouldn't step down as Governor of New York, but now he's changed his mind.

"My instinct is to fight through this controversy. The best way I can help now is to step aside and let the government get back to governing," Cuomo said.

Investigators had released a report last week that in their finding that Governor Cuomo did create a toxic work environment that included alleged sexual harassment of several women. Cuomo's resignation comes as the Assembly Judiciary Committee is considering impeachment proceedings against the governor.

Cuomo also said during today's press conference that he "is a fighter" and will continue to fight the allegations against him.



Now that Cuomo has stepped down, Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul will take over as Governor of New York. There will be a two-week transition period before Cuomo actually leaves office. She will become the first woman governor in the history of New York State.

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